Saturday, October 15, 2011

Perfidy: The Story Zionists Had to Suppress

Rudolf Kastner, seen with daughter Szuzsi left --"This small group of quislings knew what was happening to their brethren in Hitler's gas chambers and bought their own lives with the price of silence. Among them was Dr. Kastner, leader of the council which spoke for all Jews in Hungary..."

by Mark Burdman

(Excerpt from "How Britain's Biggest Racists Created Zionism")

The book
Perfidy, written by playwright Ben Hecht in 1961, is the single most damning statement to date on the interchangeability of the British-Zionist cabal that ran Israel during its early years and the leadership of the Nazis.

In the book, Hecht presented extended excerpts from the famous 1953 Kastner trial, in which the pro-Nazi activities of Rudolf Kastner, head of a Hungarian branch of the so-called Jewish Agency Rescue Committee during World War II and later a spokesman for the Ministry of Trade and Industry in the new Israeli state, were brought to light in excruciating detail.

In a trial that rocked Israel to its foundations, Kastner, one of the inner circle of the Zionist elite around Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion during the 1943-53 decade, was revealed to have been the main Zionist agent of the Nazi exterminators of Hungary's Jews. Kastner, an Israeli court was shown, systematically deluded the leadership of Hungary's 800,000 Jews into believing that the Nazis were interested merely in mass relocation of the Jews, not mass murder. In return for this genocidal deception, Kastner was allowed to handpick a small Zionist elite of 388 Jews, mostly from his own family, to flee to Palestine.

Hecht's book detailed Kastner's collaboration with Heinrich Himmler, Adolf Eichmann, and others with such precision that his book was suppressed, censored, and removed from libraries. Hecht's wife, who after his death tried to get the book republished, has been subjected to pressure and threats from the Zionist lobby in the U.S.

Today, copies of Hecht's book are distributed virtually on a blackmarket basis.

Excerpts from Perfidy are printed below. We begin with Adolf Eichmann's testimonial to Kastner's activities, which Hecht quoted from " Eichmann's Confessions" published in the November 28 and December 5, 1960 editions of Life magazine.

In Hungary my basic orders were to ship all the Jews out of Hungary in as short a time as possible. Now, after years of working behind a desk, I had come out into the raw reality of the field.

As Muller put it, they had sent me, the "master" himself, to make sure the Jews did not revolt as they had in the Warsaw Ghetto. I use the word "master" in quotation marks because people used it to describe me. Since they had sent the "master," however, I wanted to act like a master. I resolved to show how well a job could be done when the commander stands 100 percent behind it.

By shipping the Jews off in a lightning operation, I wanted to set an example for future campaigns elsewhere.... In obedience to Himmler's directive, I now concentrated on negotiations with the Jewish political officials in Budapest ... among them Dr. Rudolf Kastner, authorized representative of the Zionist Movement. This Dr. Kastner was a young man about my age, an ice-cold lawyer and a fanatical Zionist. He agreed to help keep the Jews from resisting deportation -- and even keep order in the collection camps -- if I would close my eyes and let a few hundred or a few thousand young Jews emigrate illegally to Palestine. It was a good bargain. For keeping order in the camps, the price ... was not too high for me....

We trusted each other perfectly. When he was with me, Kastner smoked cigarets as though he were in a coffeehouse. While we talked he would smoke one aromatic cigaret after another, taking them from a silver case and lighting them with a silver lighter. With his great polish and reserve he would have made an ideal Gestapo officer himself.

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